il verbo fio
Archivi giornalieri: 2 Marzo 2020
I promessi sposi cap. 7
I promessi sposi cap. VII
I pronomi riflessivi
I pronomi possessivi
Properzio classico Properzio letteratura
Lezione 2/03/2020 IV Liceo-Letteratura e classico latino- Properzio
Good morning girls, I hope you’re ok! Today’s grammar lesson is about the reported speech in English: here is a video about this topic and you can find it on your book too! The reported speech is very similar to italian and it is really useful to speak a fluent […]
Flipped classroom V class. Monday
Good morning students, how are you? What about your weekend? Please take care of you, and don’t forget to study! I checked your tests and today we are opening a new chapter, a new unit: Great works, the fifth unit. Please use both your Student’s book and your workbook to […]
Flipped classroom I class. Monday
Good morning students, today we’re going through a new topic that you (especially the girls) enjoy a lot: Romeo and Juliet, probably written between 1594 and 1596! As you know Romeo and Juliet is very impressive for all of us and it was played infinite times and places. On youtube […]
Flipped Classroom IV class. Monday
Good morning students, and welcome back to school! As you already know we are revising some topics we studied last year! So, first watch this video on youtube: Then by your personal account, please watch the flipped classroom video on page 72 and do all the exercises on pages 72 […]